Scouts BSA
June 15, 2025 - June 21, 2026
Paperwork Unit Leaders should bring to bring to camp.
No ifs, ands, or buts...
Unit Leaders, please provide the following forms at check-in.
1) BSA Medical form. Parts A, B, and C.
Required for all youth and adults.
2) Camp Tukabatchee Program Permission Slip
Required for youth 19 years of age and younger.
3) Scout Early Release Request
Required for any youth leaving camp before the Troop's Saturday departure.
February 21, 2025
The first $XXX payment per Scout is due.
($60 non-refundable)
April 4, 2025
The second $XXX payment per Scout is due.
May 16, 2025
The final Scout payment of $XXX is due.
$XXX per adult leader is due for full-week leaders.
$XX per adult leader is due for half-week leaders.
Campership requests are due to the Council Service Center.
Last date for adults to sign up for BSA Lifeguard.
Extra t-shirt order (sizes and fees) due to Council Service Center.
Special Food Requests are due.
Leaders wishing to teach free time merit badges should submit your information.
$30 additional fee for this course.
The ATV Program at Camp Tukabatchee is limited to 12 people.
Scouts MUST be 14 years old or older to participate in this program.
If your Scout is accepted in the ATV program, they will need to provide proof of the following before arriving at Camp Tukabatchee. If the Scout cannot provide the following, they will be removed from the program, and their spot will go to the next Scout who is prepared.
Over the ankle boots, preferable leather.
Long pants
Long sleeve shirt
Proof of completing the online course.
Summer Camp will provide the following items:
*Participants may bring their helmets, but they must be DOT approved.
*Participants may bring their goggles, but they must be ANSI Z87.1.
Opening Campfire Program.
Camp-wide Activity.
Interfaith Worship Service.
Troop Night & Family Night.
Staff Night Off.
Order of the Arrow Night | Everyone in camp is invited to participate in OA Night.
Scout Leader Appreciation Steak Dinner at 5 pm.
Closing Campfire Program
Scout Leader Appreciation Steak Dinner
Thursday at 5 pm. Each registered leader is invited to join us for a steak dinner. Spouses and other adult leaders not attending camp may come for $12 each. Requests by others must be approved in advance by the Camp Director. Very few additional requests will be approved.
Scoutmaster Breakfast Social
All leaders are welcome to join us at 8 am on Tuesday for the social. Leaders are asked o come to the normal breakfast wseating with their scouts but do not eat. We will have a special meal for you and quest speakers to inform you of upcoming events and new programs coming to Tukabatchee.
Scoutmaster Hospitality Center
A Scoutmaster Hospitality Center will be inside the dining hall for all adult leaders during the week. It is open all day and all night for your needs. A few things it offers are drinks, snacks, coffee, internet, and lounge space. A self-service first aid kit is also available. This area is for adult leaders only.
Scoutmaster Merit Badge
Scoutmaster Challenge
The cost includes one t-shirt, one patch, and all meals.
Avoid a $50 late fee. Instead, pay your fees in full by May 16, 2025.
Youth: $XXX if paid by May 16, 2025, and $XXX thereafter.
Adult Half-week Leader: $XX if paid by May 16, 2025, and $XX thereafter.
Adult Full-week Leader: $XXX if paid by May 16, 2025, and $XXX thereafter.
Adult Free Leader: Each unit attending Summer Camp at Camp Tukabatchee can send one leader for free if at least two Scouts from their unit are attending. Units may send two free leaders if they have 21+ Scouts attending. Free leaders receive all the perks of paid leaders: one t-shirt, one patch, and all meals.
Payments in full are preferred, but units may pay youth fees in three installments of $XXX each.
The payment schedule is as follows:
The first $XXX payment is due on February 21, 2025.
The second $XXX payment is due on April 4, 2025.
The final $XXX payment is due on May 16, 2025.
Summer camp registration will go live on February 21, 2025.
The ATV course has an additional fee of $30. Do not pay this fee until asked to do so.
Free time shooting at the range. Bring some cash to camp so you can participate in free time shooting.
Trading Post.
Extra t-shirts. Anyone who wishes to have more than one official summer camp t-shirt may purchase an additional one. These additional shirts should be ordered no later than May 16, 2025. Remember that each participant receives one t-shirt with their initial registration.
Camperships are available to Tukabatchee Area Council Scouts who cannot afford the entire camp fee. They are awarded after all other resources have been exhausted, including the youth’s earning power, the family’s earning power, and the Scout’s unit itself.
The campership application form is due no later than May 16, 2025.
No fees will be transferred. The first $60.00 of any Scout’s fee is not transferable and non-refundable.
If a refund request is made 2 weeks before camp (14+ days), all but $60.00 of a camper’s fee may be refunded.
If a request is made 1 week before camp (7-13 days), a maximum of 50% of fees paid may be refunded.
No-shows (0-6 days) are given no refund of any fees paid.
Special Circumstances. A scoutmaster may submit a request to the Council Camping Committee for a refund for special situations like illness or summer school in writing, stating the reason for the request. In these cases, a refund of greater than 50% may be awarded. In no case will the first $60.00 be refunded.
Refund requests should be submitted using the following form.
No refunds for Summer Camp 2025 will be issues after August 15, 2025.